Oct 11, 2015

Lara Adrian: Bound to Darkness

I found out that following the authors of the series I read on Facebook is quite good. They share when a new book comes out which means I can pre-order it and sometimes they even provide international pre-sale of their signed books. And since I am usually from the far-far-away land and cannot go to the book-signing events (how I envy you, you bookworms from pretty much anywhere in the US, because I see your online boastful posts from such events), this really helps. 
Before this I only had one signed book - that is J. R. Ward's latest one and you can read about that experience in one of my previous posts. Really, go there so that you know how low my expectations actually were when I was purchasing this book.
I was gladly surprised when this signed book arrived because even though it wasn't as fancily wrapped as Ward's, it included book swag (tattoos, bookmarks, some sticky notes and a screen wipe) and it actually was personalized! Wooohooo! Given the fact the author's mom had an accident and died at the time the books were supposed to be shipped, I expected some delay not this awesome stuff. Somehow Adrian managed to go through that difficult time in her life and stay functional which makes me admire her even more.
Anyway, to the story. This is a typical romance with a lot of action in it. I discovered the series when I was looking for something similar to Black Dagger Brotherhood and I obviously found it :-)=. The storyline isn't as elaborate as in Ward's universe though. The romance part still wins over the action so if you like your books to be only a little adventurous and more focused on the couple, this is it. Personally I would appreciate more details about the troubles plaguing the vampire race in here, but overall it's a pleasant read. 
The vampire race here is alien and has some super cool skin markings which glow in the dark! LOL no, they change color according to their mood (I used to have chameleons so this is a nice detail for me) and since they came out of the closet a short while ago, they still have some human trouble as well as even more problems with some long-forgotten foes.

GENRE: romance with some danger in it
FANGS OUT: well-balanced mix
FANGS RETRACTING: I want more detail

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