Jan 18, 2015

George R. R. Martin: Fevre Dream

So, there is this captain who knows a great deal of boats and has this dream boat in his head and no money. And there is this vampire who needs a boat but knows nothing of boats. So they meet and create quite odd friendship. Sure, the captain doesn't know what creature he is dealing with but very soon things start to fall in place. Since peole start missing and stuff like that :-)=
The story is very gripping, sometimes you feel like you are reading some local color author rather than one of the fanasy masters of our time. Even though I am not a fan of boats the passages about racing steamboats weren't boring at all. 
Vampires in this universe show their fangs and it wouldn't be Martin if there weren't some gruesome scenes (yummy baby, anyone?). However, the fight of good and evil is nicely balanced and the vampires don't come out as total heroes or total monsters. After so many romances I've read it's a refreshing story. The relationship between the captain and the vampire is very realistic and this whole "vampires are slaves to their thirst" thingy made sense. The same goes for them not trying to interfere with human lives. Not turning their human best friends no matter how painful their death may be for them.

GENRE: fantasy I guess
FANGS OUT: the people who understand traditional vampiric nature are still out there
FANGS RETRACTING: you know I don't like history

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