Oct 31, 2013

Spooky indeed...

I am not a fan of any holidays. I don’t really like Christmas, Easter only interests my inner artist when coloring the eggs... just all I like about these days is the fact that there is no school.
On the other hand, if I were to pick out one holiday which should be celebrated globally, it would be Halloween, because I’ve ever liked the spooky side – they have the best cookies after all. Plus dressing up as creepy things and getting candies for it sounds so absurd it pleases my crooked mind.  But since my country is totally oblivious to the most of the Anglo-American festivals, I never really get into the right Halloween mood.
However, every now and then there are some shops trying to implant these alien festivities into our homes and I surrender and let them take my money for useless products I don’t need. Because why not. I like Halloween.
So when there was a whole collection of various Halloween goodies in Lidl supermarket, I just couldn’t stand there and let them stay on the shelf. I winded up with some muffins (yeah, yeah, I can bake my own which are always tastier and cheaper but these where with PUMPKINS on them!) and a drink which is called Spooky Strawberry (c’mon, it’s a VAMPIRE strawberry!). It looked like those flavored milk drinks I haven’t had since my childhood, so I let my inner child have her pick.
I’m one of those people who - when handed a bottle – play with it and subsequently read what’s on the cover. I managed to read the contents part of the drink and that spooked the hell out of me.
If I omit all those nasty chemicals I’ll get to the fruity part. How the people who produce strawberry milk manage to make it WITHOUT actual strawberries will probably remain a mystery. They probably thought: “Hey, if we mix lemon, radish and currant we will get a strawberry flavor! And if it still doesn’t taste like one we can make it red and people’s brains will automatically produce the flavor. It’s a win.” Well, maybe it is. Despite reading the contents table I still thought it kinda tasted like strawberries.  
So, what’s the moral of the story? Wait, there was supposed to be one?! Just don’t read what’s on the cover and let your inner child be happy it’s Halloween!

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