Nov 2, 2014

Kresley Cole: Lothaire

Lothaire, the mad vampire, lives in the universe of cool valkyries, horny demons, evil wendigos and basically all creatures from the folklore you can think of. I've already spoken of variety as the key in the never-ending series. Cole keeps the readers entertained by adding awesome characters from all the mythological species. Lothaire the vampire and Nïx the protovalkyryie are, in my opinion, two of the most complex characters who deserve a whole book dedicated to their story.
So, Lothaire got it just now. And I was so looking forward to reading his story. And again, the expectations... See, it always happens when I expect a lot from the character. I mean, c'mon! He has this Endgame of his on which he worked for millennia and he is nuts and yeah, even if he gets his female (yup, this is one of those "find-an-unlikely-pair" series) he deserves more time and things happen before he is "cured" of his madness. I know that primarily these books are about romance but here the story cries for the psychological depth. And unfortunately the story lacks it so bad.
Otherwise I like the series but now I know I will be dreading to read perhaps the last person who the series should end with - Nïx. So, please, gimme more of those shifters and other species but don't touch Nïx, because if Lothaire was done away with this easy I don't wish to read about her, for she deserves complexity.

GENRE: supernatural romance
FANGS OUT: variety means fun
FANGS RETRACTING: I wish the author heard of psychology

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