Oct 2, 2016

Morgan Rice: Turned

Yeah, I downloaded another free e-book because I'm incorrigible. And because this one had some nice reviews over the years I've been avoiding it and everyone seemed to have read it, I naturally had to read it too.
So, it's a romance. No wait, it's an action book. No, horror? Romance again? I honestly don't know because the story kept changing it's tone. Which is good, you never know how it's going to turn out. 
Basically there is this girl whose father is unknown (yay, haven't we seen this before) and she starts to get these cravings for more than food. You probably guessed what she is then. Except she doesn't know and when she gets into her vampire mode she rarely remembers what she's done the first days. 
At first I was repelled by the potential love story (she comes to a new school, meets a new guy kinda scenario) but I liked that she got abusive mother and her high school she moved into was literally hell where the policemen had to roam all day long. That's a good thing - no boring small towns but harsh urban reality. 
I even started to like the story more as the vampire clan whose territory this new girl threatened appeared. Their lair and the sheer mass of them sounded spectacular and the story picked up the horror/action vibe.
But then my dreams were crushed by a knight in shining armour. It turned toward romance again but really cheasily so. Nothing can crush a good story as premature I-love-you's.
I was tempted to take a look at the rest of the books but then I learned there were 12 of them (as of now when I'm writing this, maybe there already is next one by the time you are reading this). Too much commitment. No no no. So I have to judge by just one story which had really good twists in the horror area but lacked reason in the romance department.

GENRE: romance? horror? action? who knows?!
FANGS OUT: good pacing, great settings
FANGS RETRACTING: premature i-love-you-ing, the romance part is bad

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