Sep 6, 2015

Catherine Jinks: The Reformed Vampire Support Group

There are vampires in Australia. Who would have thought, right? With the ever-present sun one would say they rather steer clear of this continent. But on the other hand, everything in Australia wants to kill you (the sun, spiders, snakes etc.) so why not add the vampires, eh? ;-)=
However, the undead from Oz actually suffer and need weekly group meetings to keep going. See, they have a condition. They feel ostracized from society. They battle fatigue, sores, bleedings and much more. They are unlike most vampires we've heard about. All they can do is sit around and watch telly or eat their medication.
As you can see, they are basically a bunch of losers. They can't do anything but whine about their plight so when faced with a really deadly situation (a slayer going after them) they decide to find him before he finds them. Which is the most exciting and terrifying thing which happed to them in the last thirty years. 
The book reads fast and I must admit that I liked it. It was adventurous and even though the humor in it was too subtle for my liking, I enjoyed it. Because I got the visuals - if you imagine these vampires fanging their guinea pigs and cleaning the bathroom afterwards, you must smile at it all the time. Because they are not ordinary heroes who, despite all odds, rise to the occasion. 

GENRE: unlikely action
FANGS OUT: refreshing after the tons of omnipotent vampires
FANGS RETRACTING: could be more complicated plot-wise

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