There are no straight flights from Prague to Vilnius. Maybe they are
in the summer but definitely not in May. So when we had a layover in
Warsaw we decided to spend a day there because why not use our time in a
more pleasant way than sitting at the airport all night long - yeah the
connecting flights are also super crazy. When you arrive in the evening
or at night you have to wait till the next day. Sheesh.
They shouted, played some weird
instruments and were drunk and happy I guess but swimming against the
flow with heavy bags at night when you are looking for something you
haven't seen before sucks.
speaking of the church - apart from whatever the Polish people were
celebrating that day it was also the night during which entrance fees to
museums disappeared so more people in the streets. Lucky us.
I must say I was famished by the time we settled in our rooms and fortunately there was a baguette place around the corner. I've never had so expensive and delicious tuna/avocado baguette. Yum!
This was yet another reminder of the horrors people must have gone through. There was nothing left behind and they had to start anew. The same thing happened in Lithuania so most of the Vilnius's Old Town buildings are fake, too. And in other towns people just didn't bother with replicas and started building totally new structures. Unfortunately it was a Soviet kind of style. The ugly blocks of flats mushroomed everywhere. Not that I don't see those in my own country. But what I saw in Warsaw and Lithuania was more space between those hideous structures. People left enough space for trees so that they kinda obscure the view. I wish someone thought of that in here as well.
We spent a pleasant day in Warsaw - didn't have time to go in any museum so maybe next time around. I definitely plan to go back because I liked it there a lot.
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