Apr 6, 2016

Owlcrate - March 2016 - Writer's Block

So I just couldn't resist and bought one of those mystery book boxes because ... well, it's fun not knowing what you get. 
When I was choosing which one to start with I was quite taken aback by the price of shipping - while the US residents usually get their shipping free or pay next to nothing, getting the box to Europe sometimes costs more than the box itself. But I made my choice and decided to buy the most popular box despite its price.
I tried not to go to blogs I read because I knew spoilers and reviews would start appearing soon (it took ages to get to Europe - by the time it reached me I bet everyone had already read the book) so I limited myself to Instagram only - since I'm there for only over a month I'm still intrigued by everything ... aaaaaand glimpsed the spoilers. I hate people who just plainly take a picture of everything from the box and think they are cool. They are idiots.
Anyway, it took all my will not to open it on my way from the post office when it finally arrived :-)= And what was in the box? A book, duh! Never heard of it so that's good. It would be terrible if I already owned the book. But since teenagers are the target group of this box the chances of me owning the book were slim anyway. 
Then there were these cool pins with cool quotes for bookworms - my denim jacket will sure appreciate those. 
A small book of 642 small things to write about is also a cool stuff for me since I have that 5 year journal where I answer a question a day. So when I run out of that, I'll follow with this.
Then the über-cool socks. One sock has names of banned books printed on it (Who would have thought that Ulysses has ever been banned somewhere, huh? I mean, no one really finishes the book and if they do they don't understand it) and the other one has them all censored. I love them. And they are big enough for my adult feet :-D= 
And lastly there was a white rubber feather. I didn't like it at first because it's white (I'm not a fan - spoilers showed me a black alternative and I wanted that one), it looks so fake (I'm not a fan), and it probably hints at Harry Potter (I'm not a fan). But then I started writing with it and its tip is so thin I love it. But I'm gonna write with no one around because I don't want anyone see me with this monstrosity in my hand.

So, what are my impressions of the very first book box?
Price (in Euros and including shipping): 46.11 (that's way too much for a book and some knick-knacks)
The book: I'll update my instagram once I've finished it but right now I don't see how this goes with the whole Writer's block theme.
Knick-knacks: love the socks and the little question book, the badges are okay-ish, the white pen looks lame
Overall impression: since this is my first box I'll save one vampire kiss in case I get a better box but I like this one a lot


  1. So...That's what was hidden in your box...did you read Ulysses ??? I stopped in the middle of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man :-(
    I love your review !

  2. I read Ulysses at high school but since it was a compulsory read and I had a lot of other things to do I read it so fast I didn't enjoy it. But it's still sitting on my shelf to be read again :-)
