Apparently all that stuff in the Black Dagger Brotherhood is not enough (the books usually have about 400 pages just so you know) and this Ward's universe needs an expansion. I usually don't grab spin-off novels because they are too watered down as compared to the original series or books but this time I made an exception. The wait for a new book in the series was wearing me down since none of my usual go-to authors was publishing anything so I thought why not try this. Ward is an excellent writer after all.
And I wasn't disappointed. Sure, since it is a spin-off it lacks the characteristic action scenes where the brothers kick some serious ass but that doesn't mean that they don't appear in there. New problems arise and our favourites are back to show us that a happy ending needs some help.
But, of course, our well-known characters appear in the background (though as I've already written, the book with 400 or so pages has enough space for all) and the book revolves around a star-crossed lovers. Who and how ... that is up to you to find out.
I think Ward always delivers and you shouldn't be afraid of reading anything from her. Because unlike those frequent sappy romances she actually creates real problems and make people fight for it. The characters have flaws and are very real.
GENRE: this one tilts more toward romance
FANGS OUT: Ward knows how to deliver a storyFANGS RETRACTING: no retraction, this is the best you can get in this genre
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