Nov 15, 2015

Maggie Shayne: Prince of Twilight

See, I have this totally Love/Hate relationship with the series Shayne writes. I remember finding the first book in the series and liking it. Then buying a couple more and not liking it much. Now that I have run out of my usual go-to-books when I need something sweet in my life, I reached for Wings in the Night again and...
So, this is probably the most confusing of them all. I don't follow the logic in which the series were put together so suddenly going from one book and then jumping sixteen years to the future as if nothing happened somehow doesn't answer all my questions. It only creates more. Aaaand there is this whole thing about Dracula. Yup, this is his story, so naturally there are the great expectations. 
Boy, isn't this one the sappiest in the series I've read so far. It's somehow very wrong. In the previous book you get this strong woman who can stand her ground and makes decisions and suddenly (well, not so suddenly, there's this 16-year fast forward after all) she becomes this crying clingy type you must hate. I mean you can't like her. Ever. And to say nothing of the Prince of Darkness. You want the epic story, you want the evil vampire he has become and instead you just get a love-sick puppy who can still pose as intimidating as you want him to be but it's all just an act which will dissapear way too soon. 
I don't really know what to think because this is, unfortunately, not the last book I bought during my optimistic shopping spree so I will inform you how the series goes in the future. I mean, it can't be worse than this, right? 

GENRE: sappy, I repeat, sappy romance
FANGS OUT: it has got vampires, duh!
FANGS RETRACTING: I just hate all the central characters in this novel

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