Wow, it's been a while since I presented some kind of non-fiction about vampires. Not that non-fiction about fictional characters makes much sense, but you know what I mean. I hope.
This time I'm bringing a load of knowledge. Duh, that's what encyclopedias are for after all. It's over 850 pages long. I won't tell you how much it weighs because that would make some people cringe. But let's say if you have a question about something on the topic of vampirism you have your chance to actually learn about it while consulting this monster of a book.
The format is typical - you look for keywords which are in alphabetical order. Now and then there is either a photo or illustration (a photo of a vampire?! no, you fool! but the author mentions some actors or writers, so...).
What I find helpful (or maybe not, my version of this book is from 1994 so the info can be a bit outdated) are the apendices at the end of the book. It goes from the typical lists of publications and resources to various fanclubs (you could have joined Loyalists of the Vampire Realm if you wanted back in the day) and to quite long filmography, drama and novels lists.
Just like any ecyclopedia, this is a good starting point for your own research. This is a must-have for all you loyalists or whatever name you go under. ;-)=
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