There have been so many books in the series and they always had the same pattern - one chapter about star-crossed lovers, one chapter about the fight with evil. But there has ever been a happy ending, no worries.
In this book, Ward broke the predictable structure (well, it was a few books before but I'm reviewing this one, so what?!) and even though it is centered on one couple, you get to see some other well-known couples as well. Plus, I used to be quite skeptic about those unlikely couples having the time of their lives in the previous books and finally Wards gets back to them and shows that they must face some problems. Which makes it more believable.
There are many books which combine action and romance out there, but I can assure you that BDB is the best. They are detailed and the universe is nicely described. There are many twists and unpredictable things but on the other hand, we read it for the happy endings, so the predictable is there as well.
GENRE: dangerous romance
FANGS OUT: the series is the best in the genreFANGS RETRACTING: all forgiven, the author grows with each book, so they get better and better
Now, something about how I obtained the book. There was a virtual signing at the author's web and I felt like I had to get my signed copy. I'd never had a signed book before and was always envious of people in the countries where the authors live that the fans just can go to some signing event and have it. So, even though it cost me and arm and a leg (the shipping being more expensive than the book!) I ordered it and waited... and waited... and waited some more because of the frickin' customs - I had to pay even more because the book exceeded the tax free limit by a couple of cents. That made me angry but when the book arrived so nicely packed, I was happy. When I opened the book, I was expecting a customized thingy because that's what the order said - a customized signed copy. Annnnnd it wasn't. It was just a Ward's signature... my mom joked she could make me one, too since it looked so easy to copy and she would even include my name on it.
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