Oct 19, 2014

Why It's Good to Get a University Diploma

You think it's obvious, right? You get a better job, you get a salary raise etc. But the ugly truth of today is that the jobs are scarce and if you take a look at the number of university graduates and the number of jobs offered in the field they just got their diplomas in, you get two totally different figures.
So, ahem, the sense of accomplishment, maybe? Sure, you have worked hard, right? Again, if you compare the hours actually spent studying with the hours spent focused on different activities (drinking new kinds of alcohol, working, sleeping, going to cinema, walking your dogs, etc. - just avoiding lectures in all ways imaginable) you realize that should you had been focused only at school you would have already gotten that damned piece of paper. Let’s face it, the recommended amount of five years for your Master’s Degree could have been shrunk to three if you weren’t fooling around. But that’s how the system works. The University counts on your misbehavior and lack of discipline and that’s why they give you those five years instead of less. So, even though you know you should have worked harder, it wasn’t entirely your fault.
Which leaves us with the gifts you get after you proudly show your diploma to your friends and relatives. I know, I know, giving is more thrilling than receiving but since you’ve been around long enough to appreciate gifts as well, you can indulge yourself in the stuff your loved ones prepared for you. They have known you for long after all and that’s why you know they can only give you the coolest things.
So you actually find yourself drowned in alcohol (good way to go liver! because in your new life doctors are much more expensive since you are no longer a student supported by the state) and surrounded by food because celebrating with everyone is a thing. And apart from going from a restaurant to a pub nonstop for a week or so, crazy people like your brother actually know you will always have an unhealthy relationship with food and will buy you half a frickin’ salmon! And since it's fresh you will find yourself eating the humongous fish every day. Like that can stop you from loving it, though. There is never enough of salmon, ok?
Then, your home will start to look like a funeral home since people will shower you with flowers. And since you love lilies the most, that funeral feeling will spring into a many a mind. But who cares! This is your celebration and you can love what you want despite the general misconception that only the dead can be surrounded by lilies.
You will also get to try new food. Oh, food again, I know. Because someone for sure noticed you talking about macarons and how cute they are and how you want to try them but can’t find them. And when you find them, they are too expensive and you are afraid to buy a whole bunch in case they are too bad. So you get a package now and oh boy! You fall in love with the chocolate and LAVENDER ones. I mean seriously, it tastes just like it smells. You will never look at the lavender in your garden the same way again :-)=
And as the last gift, you get a clue. A crazy cat necklace and a blurry close-up of some city. Sure, that is a no-brainer, actually. Who wouldn't recognize Barcelona's most famous pieces by Gaudí? And since you worked the puzzle out immediately, you get a financial contribution to your dream trip to Spain. So, now nothing holds you away from your artsy trip. I mean, yeah, gotta wait for the holidays but still...
So don’t tell me you wouldn’t feel better after this. People around you always know how to appreciate you and it would be rude not to let them ;-)=

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