Oct 8, 2014

Lynsay Sands: Vampire Most Wanted

Wow, I’m reading the twentieth book in the series and still like it. I don’t need to mention the times at which I am most likely to reach for this kind of literature because I have already written about it. So, yeah, let us ponder what keeps me coming for more of Ms Sands.
The books are so light and you just fly through them without even realizing. There is enough action to keep the characters appreciate the things they get, there is always someone who is funny as hell (I’m always on the team FUNNY) and it all wraps up nicely. Sure, you may oppose that choosing a partner for all eternity may be a little too hasty since they know each other for only a week or so before they know for sure. Yeah, but there is a little thing in the story which makes all doubts go away, so...
Just like I said, take it on a vacation with you and you will like it. Because when you compare it to the similar stuff this romantic vampire genre offers, it’s one of the best.

GENRE: so rooomantic and sweet you will find yourself in a diabetic coma
FANGS OUT:  funny at times
FANGS RETRACTING: author forgets some traits which appeared in previous books

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