I keep getting or buying the little suckers all year round and since the infamous time of the year is coming, I must keep my potentional Santa Clauses, Fathers Christmases (?is that even a correct word?), Baby Jesuses etc. posted. So I decided to keep updating this article as opposed to writing a new one every time I get some ducks. So, let's see how many pictures I can fit in before the WYSIWYG thingy tells me to stop ;-)=
Welcome to my blog. I'm going to keep you busy with the stuff I like, read, experience etc. My first intention was to make it solely vampire-related (which I will keep in the "book" and "movie" section, no need to bother you with everything I read, right?) but that got out of hand somehow. I have an Instagram account @thevampirebookworm so you can check that out ;-)=
Oct 27, 2014
Oct 22, 2014
Birds hanging from a branch
Allright, I admit I can't go to any kind of market without buying something. It probably says how inconsiderate and materialistic person I am but I don't care. Even if it's just a little thing I need to buy something.
So, naturally, I couldn't resist the little birds at the annual ceramic market. I had no idea where to put them or what to do with them, all I knew was that I sure would find a way to make them work in my home and that I needed many.
So I bought seven of them and on my merry way from the market I started forming a plan in my head.
I knew I would hang them (since there were holes in them) but didn't know what I would hang them from. But that was soon replaced by a memory of my forest walks and all those nice branches just lying on the ground. And that's how I knew the rough final look.
- winged ceramic beasts
- ropes or some kind of thread thick enough to hold them and thin enough to go through the holes in them
- beads if you want to put more on the ropes
- a branch
- patience of an angel

Next, you just take a branch or a piece of wood or metal or just whatever you want to hang it on and prepare it. I found mine in the woods so I cleaned it, treated it with sandpaper and sprayed it with clear paint.
All that was left was to get the ropes on the branch. I wanted to drill holes through the wood but unfortunately I couldn't find the right size of the screw so I was forced to choose the less prettier version of hanging the birds - the knotting technique ;-)=. I just wrapped the thread around and made a knot.
Then I took a wire and tied it at the ends of the branch to make a loop to hang the whole piece from.
And that was it. I installed it later above the kitchen table (the lousy picture at the top of this article) and that was it.
Oct 19, 2014
Why It's Good to Get a University Diploma
You think it's obvious, right? You get a better
job, you get a salary raise etc. But the ugly truth of today is that the jobs
are scarce and if you take a look at the number of university graduates and the
number of jobs offered in the field they just got their diplomas in, you get
two totally different figures.

So you actually find yourself drowned in
alcohol (good way to go liver! because in your new life doctors are much more
expensive since you are no longer a student supported by the state) and
surrounded by food because celebrating with everyone is a thing. And apart from
going from a restaurant to a pub nonstop for a week or so, crazy people like your
brother actually know you will always have an unhealthy relationship with food
and will buy you half a frickin’ salmon! And since it's fresh you will find yourself eating the humongous fish every day. Like that can stop you from loving it, though. There is never enough of salmon, ok?

You will also get to try new food. Oh, food
again, I know. Because someone for sure noticed you talking about macarons and
how cute they are and how you want to try them but can’t find them. And when
you find them, they are too expensive and you are afraid to buy a whole bunch
in case they are too bad. So you get a package now and oh boy! You fall in
love with the chocolate and LAVENDER ones. I mean seriously, it tastes just like
it smells. You will never look at the lavender in your garden the same way
again :-)=

So don’t tell me you wouldn’t feel better after
this. People around you always know how to appreciate you and it would be rude
not to let them ;-)=
Oct 15, 2014
Jaye Wells: Silver-Tongued Devil
But here, somehow, it works. Sabrina has all
the qualities I hate in the other self-centered bitches and still can get away
with it. Not sure if I am going through some process of less hating/ more
accepting or whether the author finally found the balance between annoying and
enjoyable. It’s a light read and I can’t wait for the next book.
Oh, but one thing is evil here, I’ve just
realized – the cliffhanger. Books in the series should never ever end so
because it takes our free will away. Don’t judge before you know the whole
story, right? So instead of judging just one book and having a noncommittal
relationship with the rest of the series you must buy the next installment for
sure to know how it’s gonna end. Aaargh.
GENRE: packed with action
FANGS OUT: you may actually like the heroine
Oct 12, 2014
Pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips
Well, you couldn't think I would use a half of a pumpkin and let the other half just rot, right? Naturally, I came up with a way how to use it once the marble pie was gone.
This time it was used to elate the feeling of eating muffins. Because let's face it, the muffins can sometimes be really dry and all they need is something as moist as the pumpkin to become perfect.
Plus, this pumpkin I use (hokkaido) is very pigmented and gives everything such a funny yellow/orange color. That's a plus with Halloween nearing, right?
So, for the typical amount of 12 muffins (at least that's what my muffin pan is created for) you will need:
- 200g flour (we've talked about it: just because I use rye doesn't mean you can'r go plain)
- 1 tablespoon of baking powder (I once used just one teaspoon and they didn't rise to the occasion ;-)= because the pumpkin is really heavy)
- 2 tablespoons of the spice of your choice (I used 1 cinnamon and 1 gingerbread mix)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt (for no good reason ;-)= )
- 120g butter
- 200g sugar (or honey, or whatever sweetener you use)
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 hokkaido pumpkin
- optional chocolate chips (I used big chunks of 70% cocoa chocolate, you use whatever you want and how much you want)
2) Mix all the ingredients together.
3) Fill your muffin cups and bake for about 20 minutes at 180°C.
Oct 8, 2014
Lynsay Sands: Vampire Most Wanted
Wow, I’m reading the twentieth book in the
series and still like it. I don’t need to mention the times at which I am most
likely to reach for this kind of literature because I have already written
about it. So, yeah, let us ponder what keeps me coming for more of Ms Sands.
The books are so light and you just fly through
them without even realizing. There is enough action to keep the characters
appreciate the things they get, there is always someone who is funny as hell
(I’m always on the team FUNNY) and it all wraps up nicely. Sure, you may oppose
that choosing a partner for all eternity may be a little too hasty since
they know each other for only a week or so before they know for sure. Yeah, but
there is a little thing in the story which makes all doubts go away, so...
Just like I said, take it on a vacation with
you and you will like it. Because when you compare it to the similar stuff this
romantic vampire genre offers, it’s one of the best.
GENRE: so rooomantic and sweet you will find
yourself in a diabetic coma
funny at timesFANGS RETRACTING: author forgets some traits which appeared in previous books
Oct 1, 2014
Marble pumpkin cake
The Halloween season is here, pumpkins are growing
everywhere and it would be a sin not to use them in our food.
For us, zucchini
lovers, autumn creates the perfect transition between the season in which
everything abounds (goodbye eggplants and zucchinis, see you next summer) and
the season in which everything is scarce and overpriced. Since I don’t like the
subtle sweet taste of pumpkins in salty dishes, I exclusively use them for
making desserts (again, I miss the
So here you have an easy way how to get rid of one half of a pumpkin. The oil and pumpkin in it ensure the result is moist so if you don't like dry cakes, this one is for you ;-)=
You’ll need (for a 35x25x4cm pan):
For the batter:
- 2 cups flour (again, use any kind you want I used for this recipe I cup whole grain rye and 1 cup all-purpose flour)
- 1 cup milk
- ½ cup oil (I use sunflower)
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 2 eggs
For the pumpkin filling:
- ½ hokkaido pumpkin
- 250g curd cheese (or any cheese you are used to bake with)
- 100g brown sugar
- 1 egg
- cinnamon powder
1) Peel the pumpkin, get rid of the seeds, chop
it to pieces and boil it till it’s soft. Then get rid of the water and wait
till the pumpkin cools down.
2) Mix everything for the batter in one bowl.
3) Smash the pumpkin to pieces with a fork in a
different bowl (this way you will have little pieces of it but if you hate
biting into “meaty” chunks of pumpkin go ahead and blend it till it’s smooth
like a purée) and then add the rest of the ingredients which go in with the
4) Prepare your pan with either parchment paper
or with the old-school method: use something greasy (oil, butter, lard) and flour
to make sure the cake doesn’t stick to the pan.
5) Alternately pour the two mixtures onto the
pan so that you create whatever layering you desire.
6) Bake it for about 35 minutes at 180°C.
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