Sep 28, 2014

Stephenie Meyer: Twilight

Yes, the debate is here. No, just kidding. There has been written so much about whether to take Twilight seriously that I do not wish to add anything. Except for a review because I promised to mention all the books from my diploma thesis.
It all starts as a nice teenage romance where a mysterious boy meets a mundane (well, that does not sum up the clumsy and retarded protagonist) girl. She finds out he is a sparkly “vegetarian” (since when eating animals is considered vegetarian?!) vampire who will do anything to keep his cool around her. Just imagine walking around your favorite food all day long and not sneaking a bite. And that kinda sounds ok, right? I mean, the topic of star-crossed lovers has ever been popular because getting over the obstacles is the whole point of telling the story.
However, this wounds me really deeply if I think of the target group. It’s obviously for teenagers who are experiencing relationships for the first time and this book which charms them tells them to be ok with crooked behavior. Stalking? No, he just loves you so. Manipulating? He just cares that much. Deciding for you? Isn’t he a sweetheart?!
If I omit the whole 200-year-old vampire going to high school on and on instead of pursuing his dreams of helping humankind (which he boasts about), then the whole book is just wrong. Because this has written horror all over but the ending makes it really confusing.  
The more people read it the more impact it has (duh!) and unfortunately a lot of people seem to love it and just don't see the message it gives. I've read a lot of books with similar topic or similar message to them, however, they will never have such attention since only a few people have actually read them, therefore they are relatively safe. Unfortunately this book has started yet another vampire frenzy and one should approach it carefully. So read it all you will, but don't forget to read it as a horror fiction and not as a romance ;-)=

GENRE: teen romance
FANGS OUT: the cover looks pretty
FANGS RETRACTING: bad role-model for one whole generation

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