Sep 17, 2014

Elaine Bergstrom: Blood Alone

I remember liking the first book in the series and I also remember my almost futile hunt for the next one. And maybe this factor, this two-year-long trying to find this book for a reasonable price including shipping, made me more disappointed in the end. Because when you want something so bad and spend so much effort trying to get it, you expect miracles. And you don’t get them.
This story takes place in the WWII Europe (eww, I hate war stories) and is crowded by spies and unlikely allies. I mean, at some point I totally lost who was who and who was bad and who was good and just didn’t enjoy reading it. I liked some aspects, though. For example, there was this super old inhuman reclusive mountain vampire whose story must have been way cooler than that of frantic people running around Europe.
I also had some “The Fountainhead Flashbacks” with the character of a young architect whose buildings were not understood by many. But all these things aside I still can’t shake off the feeling of disappointment. Maybe it really is just this not living up to my expectations, or maybe it just isn’t as good as the previous one.

GENRE: family saga of sorts
FANGS OUT: nice approach to the vampire genealogy
FANGS RETRACTING: this whole spy play isn’t pretty

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