At first I took two lame pictures of me being very chill with a glass of blood or just reading the book with my mouth open (not the very smartest-looking thing but how else can you see the fangs?!) but later I came out with a better idea.

I came up with this cool idea of hanging upside down and reading so I managed to persuade my friend to do a photoshoot with me. It was hell. Vampires are overdressed for summer I must admit. I was sweating before I got out of my house (try putting on pantyhose on sweaty legs!) and then in my vampire glory I had to go to a very populated area with those swings and merry-go-rounds for kids. There were kids. I scared them away. And assumed my position on one of their metal construction. My skirt didn't defy gravity. There were people watching. My friend had to pin my skirt to my pantyhose (and accidentally to my thigh). The stockings get slippery on metal stuff by the way. As I was hanging upside down all I could see were those blocks of flats around and more and more people on their balconies watching. I started getting sick from all that blood in my head and thought I might faint. I didn't but it was a close call.
So I'm really proud of the picture because after almost dying, everyone seeing my underwear and scaring everyone within one kilometre radius, I got chosen to be a book character. *squeeeeeeee*
I'll include a proper review with a ton of quotes about the mysterious Czech girl in postapocalyptic Britain of TWICE BITTEN, TWICE DIE after I'm exhausted from boasting about it. So far I carry it around and shove it into every face I meet :-D= Because it is, hands down, the coolest thing to happen to me this year.
I think you should go and buy it. No, honestly, until now it was a good series but now that it has a character with a weird name in it, it's just excellent :-)=
I think you should go and buy it. No, honestly, until now it was a good series but now that it has a character with a weird name in it, it's just excellent :-)=
Really glad you won the competition. Apart from the fact that your photos were by far the coolest, also your name, Alzbeta, fitted the book perfectly. Hope you are still enjoyinng your moment of fame - and when the books (hopefully imminently) become adapted for an exciting new TV series, Alzbeta will be more famous still... Happy page-turning. Antony J. Stanton