Phew, I'm totally destroyed. Not only is it like gazillion degrees outside but I've just finished reading something I didn't know would turn out to be on the porn side. I never read what's on the cover I just buy stuff with vampires in it - that's all I need to know. Based on the cover I knew it would be a romance but I expected more action from it. Not just the sizzling heat. See, I expected a beach read not this.
It is a typical romance where the predator has to fight a little bit to get his girl but on the other hand, she isn't making it difficult for him. I'd appreciate more obstacles because those create action which is always nice since it gives you a break from the lust-filled lines you read. This is entirely up to you, if you want a fast hot read, the book is for you. If you need more build-up before the couple actually hits it off, you won't like it.
This is definitely something you want to read during the cold winter time because your body temperature will rise. Read at your own risk.
GENRE: romance
FANGS OUT: hoooootFANGS RETRACTING: predictable with a few twists
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