Feb 15, 2015

M. T. Anderson: Thirsty

The graphic card in my laptop died. Just like that. No warning. Nothing. My screen just shut down and I wasn’t able to look at it anymore. And while I was panicking, grief-stricken, and panicking again, I realized I had only recipes which I publish on Wednesdays written ahead and ready to be published without me doing anything about it, but the Sunday stuff wasn’t planned ahead at all.
So, while I’m battling my separation anxiety (the “doctor” said I won’t see my baby for three weeks minimum), I have to write reviews on my work computer which I loathe because it has this newest version of everything installed in it and I just can’t help but hate and hate and hate the way the developers thought these shitty icons would say more than WORDS!!! in the scroll down menus. I can’t find anything in the new Office Word and it’s driving me insane. Just before you ask, I write it in Word because I need the spell check every now and then. I wouldn’t risk adding spelling mistakes on the top of my grammatical mistakes. That would be pushing it.
So, the book I managed to get through quite quickly this week was Thirsty. I had to step back into my childhood because this was intended for much younger readers and judging it by my adult standards would do it no good.
The story was gripping with a few twists in the plot and altogether not so bad. If I were a teenager again I would definitely appreciate the book. It wasn’t as adventure-packed as I would like but I found some humorous situations in there, as well as really gross ones. The story was fast-paced, the font big (LOL, I’m really starting to have a thing for every book which wastes renewable resources like that). I liked the way the author grabbed the vampire myth and used it, as well as the not-so-expected finale.  

GENRE: teenage action
FANGS OUT: fast and gripping
FANGS RETRACTING: could have been more elaborate

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