- 3 spoons of butter
- 1 egg
- 8 spoons of brown sugar
- 12 spoons of flour (You can go healthy and try whole grain or just plain ... just do not use that self-rising flour. Uprising is not a good idea here. We've seen in Shrek how evil these biscuity types can be. So no rising of the flour ;-)= )
- 1 spoon of cinnamon
Once this all was mixed together I put it in the fridge to rest for an hour (or overnight, it doesn't matter). By the way, you recognize that it is ready when it stops sticking to your fingers. That is the right time to put it in the fridge or just start baking. If it's still too sticky, add flour. If it doesn't hold together, add butter.
Then the funky part begins. Some people make a small sphere out of the pastry and then stamp it. I, however, chose to cut out circles and then stamp them so that it would be more precise. And it would have been had I had the right size of the cookie cutter. Mine was a bit smaller than the stamp so it wasn't to my liking. While you are trying to figure out how to make the best design, preheat your owen for 175° Celsius and then bake for about 20 minutes (depending on the thickness).
What you can see in the picture is two types of stamps. There are the plain ones with just stamp on it and then there are the brown ones - I dipped the stamp into cocoa powder before using it so that the letters would be more visible. You chose which one is better. Just have fun with it ;-)=
And here is the healthy whole-grain version with honey instead of sugar. I also smeared an egg on the top of them after I took them out of the oven to make them glossy. The stamping was done with more cinnamon so that everything looks kinda like worn leather medals. Haha! My favourite version so far...
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