All right,
I’ll jump right in. If you don’t know what’s going on, read about my hunt for the
most gorgeous red lip color in the first part of the series.
For this
part, I’ve prepared all my Avon lipsticks and
one Urban Decay, because I had space for one lipstick on the paper, so I added
the brand I only had one thing from – duh! I'm becoming a space-saving genius ;-)=
Notice the difference in the swatches - compared to the ELF lipsticks I did last time, these let more color on the paper -> so the pigmentation is way better than in the ELF lipsticks. But if they let so much color on the paper, will something stay on the lips? Are you hanging on the edge of your seats? :-)=
As you can see, I have a lot of Avon lipsticks – all from different lines or whatever
that is – some of them quite pricey, some of them super cheap. All they have in
common, however, is the pigmentation. It doesn’t matter if you buy the Color
Trend line or one of those Extra Lasting ones – they will all give you the
color you want in one layer.
Sure, the cheapest ones have the formula a
little thinner than the more expensive ones, but I find them more then good for
the price. I have a suspicion that Rich Ruby is just diluted Fiery Red. Which
reminds me – Avon has a gazillion red shades
but they are all very similar. You won’t notice the difference between some of
them at the first glance – that’s exactly what prevents me from buying a
lipstick from their most expensive line (Luxe), because I’m afraid I’d buy a
shade I already have but in a “better” packaging. Better being the operative
word here, because I hate gold packaging – instead of looking more luxurious,
it does quite the opposite, it looks cheap. But I’ve just discovered I can buy
mini samples of them so more Avon is going to
appear here for sure.
What I like about all those Avon
lipsticks is their duration. Honestly, they all (even the Color Trend Line)
survived my meal and drink – I had to reapply the cheapest ones on small areas
of my lips, but none of them was completely gone as it happens with lipsticks
which will appear in the next episode ;-)= So if you want a good lipstick for a
good price (around 5 dollars), invest in one of those (btw the Extra Lasting ones are really worth it - that's Fiery Red in my swatches).
The last one I added for paper saving purposes
is Urban Decay’s Gravity. I saved money for a long time before I could
afford this one (it was some kind of special edition with pretty steel
packaging). And I couldn’t be more disappointed. Not only does the lipstick
smell like it just escaped from the chemical lab, it also doesn’t last as much
as one would think such an expensive lipstick would. Sure, it’s creamy,
application is smooth but I dare you to take a sip from your glass or mug or
whatever you drink from. Poof ... gone! Gotta reapply it. I mean one frickin’
drink will make it almost disappear! And that sucks because it is very dark, so
it looks weird if you have half of your lips naked while you are sprinting
toward the nearest mirror. This was a huge turndown for me.
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