Even before opening the book I was infuriated by the publishing house. I always pay attention which publishing house I'm buying the book from because I want to make it look nice on my bookshelves. Trust me, I've blindly bought series from a couple of publishing houses and it totally ruined my attempts to make my library look sophisticated. Me and my pet peeves, I know :-) So when I came across this book I made sure I was buying it from Piatkus because that would mean it would fit and have the same proportions as the books I already had in the series. I didn't care they changed the cover design, all I cared about was the size. I hate you, Piatkus! You ruined everything! (Not that this is the only case the publishing house went totally crazy and forced anarchy upon its readers during the series, but I couldn't keep quiet when stumbling upon this problem now, I want you all to know how evil this situation is for some of us).
Since this is a series, all the books or short stories are somehow the same. That's what keeps certain people reading it. The predictability. The happy ending. I read it because of that. I've already mentioned that when I feel under pressure I just wanna escape into a predictable world because I work in an unstable environment and all I need is to indulge myself into something easy.
The Carpathian series' vampires are uber-domineering "wise old" men who force their decisions upon the others in the name of safety. The women, of course, try to struggle to gain their freedom only to hand it to their mates in the next instant.
There is action involved, the vampires have some cool tricks up their sleeves (we finally have this old school turning into mist and seeping through the key hole or just turning into the children of the night stuff which reminds us that the author didn't entirely make this world up but followed some of the traditions in literature) and those who like hot scenes won't be disappointed either.
There is action involved, the vampires have some cool tricks up their sleeves (we finally have this old school turning into mist and seeping through the key hole or just turning into the children of the night stuff which reminds us that the author didn't entirely make this world up but followed some of the traditions in literature) and those who like hot scenes won't be disappointed either.
GENRE: paranormal romance with a little bit of action
FANGS OUT: easy to read and turn your brain off
FANGS RETRACTING: those manipulating men are just unbearableTOTAL SCORE:
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